Monday, January 22, 2007

Let's Get this Blog Rolling!

With all the modern advances in technology, there are bound to be a few marvelous creations which forever change the way we live our lives. While I have yet to surmise whether the creation of a Blog could indeed be called marvelous, one thing is for certain, Blogs are everywhere these days, as are Bloggers, those techno-savy people who read and write them.
With all the advances, we have so many choices to communicate with one another. Email, text-messages, mobile phones-most everybody I know uses at least one these means to communicate with the people that are important to them.
In 2007, I challenge you to become a Blogger. Subscribe to Zack's Corner of the Net and use it to keep in touch. Check in with what's going on in my life, and if you have something to share, by all means, send it to me and I'll see that it gets posted here for all the world to see, whether it is a recipe, a photo or anything else. The only catch is, I have to like it, so make it good!

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