Saturday, January 27, 2007

More Likely to be Attacked At Wal-Mart than Target - One More Resason Not To Shop at Wal-Mart

As if there aren't already enough reasons not to shop at Wal-Mart, head over to Wal-Mart Crime Reports and check to see just how safe your local Wal-Mart really is. Here's a couple of facts from the site:
* Wal-Mart stores analyzed do experience a high rate of criminal/police incidents;
* Based on a sample of “high incident” Wal-Mart stores, Wal-Mart stores experience a much higher rate of reported criminal/police incidents than nearby Target stores;
* National estimates indicate that almost 1 million criminal/police incidents occurred at Wal-Mart stores in 2004 – or 2 criminal/police incidents per minute in 2004;
* Wal-Mart could implement roving security patrols at all stores nation-wide at an estimated cost of 4 cents a customer visit.

Be sure to check it out and read the full report.

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